Kitsap cabin front

Kitsap Cabin

Kitsap Cabin, located on Mountaineers property above the Kitsap Forest Theater, is The Mountaineers Players “home base” during rehearsal and performance weekends at the theater. It was constructed in 1918 during World War I. The war effort had taken away most of the males, so mostly women volunteers did the bulk of the construction work. The fireplace was designed with a niche above the mantle for a plaque honoring Mountaineers who died during the war. The niche remains empty to this day as none were killed. The current cabin was dedicated November 23, 1918 by Mountaineers president and University of Washington professor George Meany. Dagmar Georgeson wrote an entertaining reminiscense of the dedication.

The cabin is where Players congregate to eat, socialize, play games and work. Volunteer cooks prepare meals for the hungry cast and crew, and everyone takes part in the clean-up. The cabin is listed on Washington State's Heritage Register as an historically significant site. A dedicated group of Mountaineers Players and volunteers work to operate, maintain, and preserve this property and its heritage.

In 2001 the Mountaineers condemned the property because of an unsafe foundation. The Mountaineers Players, knowing that the show must go on, worked with Jamie Gordon and the Mountaineers Foundation (now known as the Keta Legacy Foundation) to raise the necessary money (and get Historical designation for the cabin) so that the foundation could be rebuilt and other improvements made. For two seasons, the Players produced shows without access to the cabin and even brought back the spring show in 2001 (The Music Man) for an encore fundraising performance in August of that year (with participation from the entire cast). Jamie Gordon writes about this major Kitsap Restoration Project here.

This major fundraising and restoration effort was completed between 2001 and 2008. The completed work included a new building foundation, rebuild of the historic stone fireplace and chimney, new electrical infrastructure, construction of a new caretakers residence, new porches and ADA ramp, new siding, reconditioned windows, and new roof. Pictures of the work can be seen here.

Thanks to the generous support of the Mountaineers Foundation (now known as Keta Legacy Foundation) Altwein Grant, during the fall/winter of 2012/2013 the kitchen of the cabin is being renovated. Projects include removing and replacing the kitchen floor, replacing counter tops, replacing all of the plumbing, installing a stove hood and adding heat to the cabin. Here is a summary of work completed by December 31, 2012.

We are always looking for volunteers to help with these projects. Please contact us lend to us your talents and skills. Kitsap Cabin and Kitsap Forest Theater depend on volunteers lending a hand! 

Kitsap Cabin Restoration Project